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Turning Barotseland Into a Paradise:
The Vision and The Plan
By Godwin Kaluwe

After 44 years of Zambian independence and under control by the central government of the Republic of Zambia it is hard to believe that Western Province, the beloved Barotseland of King Lewanika and Malozi people still lags behind in economic development. This author has come to the point of turning talk into action. In this article this author shares how the Malozi people could turn Barotseland into a paradise with the newly formed initiative called Barotseland Peace Foundation (BAPF).
The vision of the Barotseland Peace Foundation is to develop Western Province into some kind of paradise.  The Barotseland Peace Foundation is looking for Zambians willing to work in this noble task, which is all for the good of everyone. Now is the time for the people of Western Province to stand united. There is an adage that says ‘united we stand, but divided we fall.’ This very much applies to the people of Western Province of Zambia.
The Deal
The Barotseland Peace Foundation has been established as a non-profit economic development project and a politically non-partisan organization. Experience shows that the people of Western province are almost giving up on the government. Those who are growing in Shangombo don't even know where they belong, Angola or Zambia? This is not only Troubling, it is serious. This author would like to urge government entities and the people of Western Province to support the BAPF initiative as is a better alternative to the current situation.
BAPF will serve as a catalyst for change supporting provincial and municipal governments and entrepreneurial opportunities for the common individual struggling in the bosom of Western Province. BAPF plan is to create awareness of the potential for investment in Western Province. It will be responsible for sponsoring initiatives that provide opportunities for small-scale businesses and job creation as well as support humanitarian projects in order to turn the dust of western province into pure gold. Within the BAPF organization will be an arm serving as a consulting agency also.
Planned Early Initiatives
Turning villages into cities. After 44 years of independence and under control by the central government of the Republic of Zambia, Mongu, Senanga, Sesheke, Kaoma, Lukulu and Kalabo continue to be villages. Right now we do not even have a stop light in the Provincial Headquarters. The status of these ‘villages’ must change to that of vibrant towns and cities. Malozi everywhere in Diaspora are advised and encouraged to invest in Bulozi because God reserved the best opportunities for last.
Western Zambia University. Western province has a rich history so that it deserves its own university with campuses at Sefula, Kasima Kalubanda, Lyalumba hill, Kaande or Mutwi wambwa areas.  Some people have expressed interest in calling the university as the University of Barotseland. Others want to call it the Zambezi Basin University. Whatever, the name, the university will be an initiative of ordinary Barotseland loving Zambians, who nevertheless, need the support of everyone.
Western Zambia Bank.  In order to adequately carry out all development initiatives in both the short term and long run in Barotseland there is need for an organized financial base in form of a regionally supported bank. Therefore, having Barotse Development Bank (BDB) is something people from Western Province need to support. BAPF is poised to contact big institutions and other foundations that have interest in the development of developing countries to support this initiative.  BDB will provide credit to support development of small scale industries like busulusi, animal husbandry, poultry, crop farming, sports recreation, health and other entrepreneurial projects.
The present generation has a task before it to pass on the touch to the next generation.  But before this generation disappears everyone from Western Province should remember King Lewanika's dream.  Lewanika had a dream which must be realized today.  If Imutakwandu Lewanika could look back and have a picture of his country, he would not be shocked because there is electricity in Mongu. Remember he saw that in London in 1902.  He will be astonished by the fact that his Kingdom or ‘Nation’ is still under economic bondage, in slavery, pretty much like when the Kololo peolpe were here. Men and women are needed who will stand for what is right. 
Shocking King Lewanika
Lewanika would be shocked to find that there is no tarred road network connecting every district in Western Province.  He would be amazed to find that his Nation is called Western Province. He will be intrigued to discover that we have not mined the precious stones underground yet, which he called mashandi in 1896 during Lockner treaty. He would be sad to know that up to now there is no railway line in Barotseland connecting from Mulobezi through Sicili to Kaoma, then Lukulu; from Lukulu down to Watopa along Kabompo river to Mongu; from Mongu accross to Kalabo and beyond Kalabo across Kwandu river to Angola.  From Mongu the line going to Senanga through Moonga plain and Kalamba forest and Ndau.  From Kalongola the line going to Sesheke, across into Kaprivi strip.  Through Sesheke the line crossing at Kasani into Botswana. And the Mongu line connecting through Kaoma to Lusaka.
King Lewanika would wonder how did this happen when Education started in Barotseland.  He would be regurgitated by the fact that there is no single University in Barotseland.  Malozi, we can do better than that.  He would be provoked by the fact that most of the highly educated Malozi are everywhere in the world, but Barotseland.  Malozi everywhere have a reason to go back home. We have a purpose to live for and fulfill our goals and aspirations. Self-determination is progressive.
King Lewanika would wonder how did this happen when Western Province is a rich regionDavid Livingstone recorded that it was the food basket of the region.  Malozi today can make it happen again.  How can the same Kalahari sand of Botswana, Namibia and Angola have diamonds except the sand of Barotseland?  How can we continue to import food from desert countries? Don’t you find that very surprising!  How can you walk in the sand of Western Province and be so oily and think there is no oil underground?  This author had always wanted to ask former president Kaunda these questions. 
There is no part of Western province you cannot grow anything.  We have one of the greatest rivers in the world; irrigation should not be a problem at all. Yet we have the most notorious water crisis in the region.  Elsewhere people channel rivers into deserts.  We have cattle friendly land.  In Botswana cattle is raised in the desert.  Our rivers are full of best tasting fish.  And there is room to have fish ponds for none ending supplies to other countries.  We have timber in Barotseland.  We have salt, lizwai la njele in Barotseland.  We have river sand which can be exported to other developing places by goods trains.  We have leather for shoe factories in Barotseland.  We have Mango and other fruits that can grow almost wildly that can be squeezed into delicious health juices as finished goods. What are Malozi waiting for?
Cashew , Ndongo ya Simbangala is so expensive everywhere in the world.  Soya beans can grow in Barotseland.  Vegetables do well in Barotseland for scientific gardening.  Sand is being transported from Mulobezi western province to Lusaka for construction and Kapiri for glass manufacturing.  Malozi please do not let the sand bury you, turn it into revenue. Someone said; “ if you are given lemon, do not complain just squeeze it and make lemonade.” Why not establish a glass factory in Barotseland? Why not make  Concrete and brick industries?  We can produce enough to be able to export some.  These are but few of abundant natural resources available in Barotseland. The sand and dust in Western Province are merely disguised gold. If you see sand that is what it is. This author sees beyond sand and dust to the core of that which is valuable.
The Way Out
Western Province has been part of Zambia for almost half a century now and there is no indication of progress, let alone equality and fairness in economic development. At this time it looks like the only way Barotseland would get out of Zambian poverty is to have an autonomous provincial government that would control its economic affairs. This applies to every province in Zambia. We have poured every imaginable development in Lusaka. We are very proud of Lusaka, and we regard it as one of the fastest growing cities in Africa. Just yesterday, in 1950 Lusaka was a village. This author loves Lusaka, but our people will not eat Lusaka. Lusaka needs to start spreading the wealth back to the villages so that the joy of development can be shared.
Entrepreneurial Initiatives
In order to improve the infrastructure of Barotseland, moving in the direction of self-support, self sufficiency, economic freedom and independence from poverty, BAPF is suggesting the creation and financing of the following entrepreneurial ventures initiated and run by children of Zambia in Barotseland. The government would do well to support these initiatives by making tools available to the common people. Interest rates for loans should be village friendly. We should not use availability of land as an excuse for not developing Western Province. There is enough land, but you have to go through the right channels.
Tusa Bulozi Transportation Services Network. This would include businesses in the areas of Trucking, Buses, Rental cars, Barotse water ways, Railway line, Airways, Auto Repair services, Auto dealership, Towing, Trash services, Recycling, Tire co.,
Construction Businesses:  These would include housing schemes, concrete and brick production businesses, drilling, mining, road and bridge construction, landscaping, roofing material manufacturers, etc.
Food Production:  These would include farm equipment suppliers or renters, farmer's coops, cattle ranch, fish ponds, poultry, milling industries, fruit factories, food processing, food preservation, food storage, silos, wholesale and retail businesses.
Resorts and Recreation. These would include entertainment and sports:  sports arena, stadium, sports center, boating, golf club, golf course, creation of league games, commercial sports, theaters, jogging and cycling ways, tourism industries, zoology, wildlife farms, crocodile gardens, flower gardens, aquarium, game reserve, hunting and fishing store, movie theater, casino, camp resorts, theme parks, and amusement parks.
Labor and Human Resource DevelopmentEmployment and temporary staffing agencies.
Forestry:  Timber processing, carpentry, furniture stores, etc.
Artifacts:  Wood carving, traditional rugs, painting, art gallery, etc.
Cultural and Heritage Centers:  To include cultural dancing events, studio production, recording services, photographic studio, photo restoration, traditional ceremonies, information services, advertising, promotions, siyemboka, Ku-omboka and ku-fuluhela, memorabilia, museum etc.
Publishing:  To include press, printing, photo copying, type setting, News papers, reviews, journals, magazines book binding, book store etc.
Computer ProgrammingComputer store, computer center, computer repair, web design, internet services, configuration, computer training, etc.
Funeral Homes:  To be established in every town and city for conducting funeral services.
Barotseland Mall or Shopping Centers:  To accommodate retail shops and service businesses.
Barber Shops:  Hair saloons, hair products, etc.
Health Centers:  To include clinics, hospitals, natural healing centers and pharmacies.
Food Store:  To sell fresh foods and health foods.
Hotel Management: Motels, resorts and trailer parks.
Private Education:  Private schools and colleges to provide continuing education programs, online learning and training.
Warehouse Distribution Centers:  To provide storage facilities and services.
HousingRental housing, apartments, office space, etc.
Community and Humanitarian Initiatives
The work of nonprofit nongovernmental organizations should be encouraged in Barotseland. The organizations would address such needs as aids awareness, malaria control, orphanage, senior citizen, faith initiatives, human rights, relief aid, women support, no child left behind, project educate, youth center, health center, community center, cultural center,Barotse self determination projects, scholarships, war against poverty, university project, democracy and political education, press freedom,, etc.   
Your Support Is Very Much Needed
Making Barotseland a paradise will need good planning, organization, control and effective use of resources. This will be possible if you make yourself part of this initiative. Your support is very much needed. There is room for everyone. It sounds like starting all over again. Hey, if this is what it means, it is worth the trouble.
If you have any questions on how you can contribute to these issues or projects please contact the author at [email protected] or call 612 578 5331. This author will direct you to some of the people on the ground with more information of the immediate needs. As well, if you find these perspectives thought provoking please get back to this author.

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