From left to right are successive Litungas; KingLubosi Lewanika Mawaniketwa Nakandambo Lubosi wa Nyambe1878-1884, &1885-1916, then Litia Yeta III, Muilula, the first son of Lubosi Lewanika who succeeded his father from 1916-1945. Yeta III was succeeded by his young brother, Imwiko Mwanangono Lewanika whobecame Litunga from 1945-1948. After whom another brother, KBE Sir.Mwanawina III Lewanika, ruled as Litunga from 1948-1968, Then Imushotoki Godwin Akabiwa Mbikusita Lewanika II, youngest of the brothers, became Litunga from 1968-1976. Ilute Yeta IV took over the thrown from his uncle Mbikusita, from 1977-2000, and successfully brought the Kingdom into the tweenty first century. He was the first grandson of Lewanika to ascend the thrown. Lubosi Imwiko II, the current Litunga, ascended the thrown in the year 2000. He is faced with challenges from within and without, to keep the 600 year old Kingdom alive.
The name Lewanika is a transliteration of Siluyana emanating from 'Liwaneka'. Kuwaneka means to unite. Luyi means foreigner. But in the context of heaven as our ultimate home. Baanji ni Luumbo, kuwilu ni ku mundi. Barotseland is our camping site or camping ground, Heaven is our home. On earth, we are just passing by, hence foreigners. The great Mbunda people also nick-named Lubosi as Liwanyika. Njamba ka limi, lifwichi li mulimina. Liwanyika lya mafwichi. Litunga, Kaongolo ka Nyambe, God's vulnerable creature, or created being entrusted by Him to be a custodian or guardian of land or the earth.
The first Litungas or rulers of Barotseland were females. There is long history embedded in the Lozi culture of the potential of women and their ability to lead. Women are recognized in Barotseland as unbiased leaders. The first male Litunga was Mboo Mwana Silundu. He took over from his mother, Mbuyu wa Mwambwa usually referred to as Mbuywa-Mwambwa or Mbuywamwambwa. He proved himself to be a good leader and saved the credibility of men. Female Litungas continue to rule to this day at Libonda and Nalolo. Mande hai tubeha or when the Litunga passess away, a female Litunga from Libonda Royal Capital, Mboanjikana usually takes interim leadership in order to maintain order and peaceful transision while a male Litunga is being sort.
Barotseland is a region in the western part of Zambia, and is the homeland of the Lozi people or Barotse who were previously known as Luyi or Aluyi. Its heartland is the Barotse Floodplain on the upper Zambezi River, also known as Bulozi or Lyondo, but it includes the surrounding higher ground of the plateau comprising all of what is now the Western Province of Zambia. In pre-colonial times, Barotseland included some neighbouring parts of what are now the Northwestern, Copperbelt,Central and Southern Provinces into Zimbabwe, as well as Caprivi in northeastern Namibia and parts of southeastern Angola beyond the Cuando or Mashi River.
"The traditional monarchy of Barotseland is called the Litunga meaning 'keeper or guardian of the earth'. Litunga is also regarded as 'Ka ongolo ka Nyambe' meaning God's created being. who is directly descended from the ancient Litunga Mulambwa who ruled at the turn of the nineteenth century and through his grandson, the late great Litunga Lubosi Lewanika who ruled from 1878-1916, with one break in 1884-5, and restored the traditions of the Lozi political economy in the arena of recent invasion by the Makololo, internal competition, external threats such as those posed by the Matebele and the inexorable onslaught of European colonialism. Nevertheless, Lewanika's influence solidified and united the demographics of Zambia as we know it today. He checked the encroachment of the Congolese in Copperbelt through Belgium and France and protected North-Western province from the Portuguese.
Historically, Barotseland's status at the onset of the colonial era differed from the other regions which became Zambia. It was the first territory north of the Zambezi to sign a minerals concession and protectorate agreement with the British South Africa Company (BSAC) of Cecil Rhodes. Later Lewanika protested to London and to Queen Victoria that the BSAC agents had misrepresented the terms of the concession, but his protests fell on deaf ears. But in 1900 Britain formerly grabbed Copperbelt and much of North- western, Central and Southern provinces. When Lewanika protested against this move he was assured in 1911 the meger of North-Western Rhodesiaand Barotseland was purely for adminstrative convenience. However, Barotseland continued to lobby to be treated as a separate state and was given substantial autonomy within the later states, Northern Rhodesia and independent Zambia through the Barotseland Agreement 1964, which Zambia never teaches in schools. As a result there is a lot of ignorance about this part of Zambian history.
A desire for self-rule has been expressed from time to time, causing some friction with the government of Kenneth Kaunda, reflected in the latter changing its name from Barotseland to Western Province in 1969. The change of name failed to change the thinking and self-determination of Barotse people. According to Barotse views, the government in Lusaka also starved Barotseland of development. The province has only one tarred road into the centre, from Lusaka to the provincial capital of Mongu, and lacks the kind of state infrastructure projects found in other provinces. Electricity supplies are erratic, relying on an aging connection to the hydroelectric plant at Kariba. Consequently freedom and self-determination views are still aired from time to time. Such calls for dialogue are usually dismissed and categorically characterized as secession views by the ruling government. However, hope for dialogue is not altogether lost.
General references:
Maoma are royal drums only sounded twice in a year at Ku omboka and Kufuluhela celemonies. The only other time Maoma could be heard is when there is war. Maoma will be sounded to announce eminent war in Barotseland. The sound of these drums can be heard as far as 20 kilometers away. The skill to play or beat the drums is passed on from generation to generation.
The Nalikwanda is the Royal boat that carries the Litunga during Ku-omboka and Ku-fuluhela. In the past the Litunga was carried in a different boat known as Notila. The Nalikwanda carried the Litunga's goods and the ordinary people. It was there however where entertainment and skillful paddling is exhibited. Lozi people consider it a priviledge and honor to be one of the paddlers. Strong men endure hours of relentless paddling for about five to six hours, while entertained and energized by a variety of thoothing Sinkoya and Siluyana music. When you are in the Nalikwanda you lose the concept of time. Everything seems to go so fast and so beautiful. Before you know it you have arrived at Limulunga, the higher ground, founded by Yeta III in 1937.
People come from far and near to witness and be part of Ku-omboka celemony. Today Ku-omboka is attended by more than one million people from different walks of life around Zambia and the world at large. Ku omboka has been recognized as an international event by the United Nations. The spirit of Ku-omboka is uniting. During ku-omboka for once people put aside their political differences and focus their attention on the event, indeed a colorful occassion. As ku-omboka grows every year more improved amenities will be needed to cater for the visitors and increasing number of tourists.
The paddlers like to eat a traditional meal known as ilya, which literary means to eat in Siluyana. They also eat meat and that makes them winning worriors. By the time Nalikwanda emerges at Nayuma harbor the men's fatigue is swallowed by the cheering multitudes and the joy of dancing. The Nalikwanda will come and hit the bank or shore two times. The third time will be the last. First the boat comes while Manjabila, a beautiful Sinkoya music is played and hits the shore.Then the boat floats around and back to the emerging corner. When the boat comes the second time, Lishoma is being played which sounds pretty much like Ngoma alume, meaning the dance of men. Spectators just cannot help it but join the mesmerizing and tranqualizing tune from the water. Every muscle and tissue moves except for the bones. In the 70s a man by the name of Mabebo was to watch as he flexiably twisted his body fantastically to the tune of the music. These days people watch Mbanga Yeta, a tall and slim young prince who tumbles and shakes like he was basically made to perform on the boat.
When the dancing is over there is a brief moment of silence except for the women singing what is called liimba and inviting the Litunga to emerge from the canopy kown as Lutanga. They sing "Tamboka Limweene" a Mbunda song that charges the Litunga to walk magestically to the tune of special drums known as mikubele and xylophone. After a while the Litunga comes out dressed in his famous Celemonial British Naval uniform, which has become part of ku-omboka for more than a century. The Litunga will walk, ascending the slop of Nayuma up to the front of the palace and sit there acompanied by his guest of honor, usually a higher government official, Minister or the president of Zambia.
Once the dust settles formal greetings take place. The Litunga has arrived safely. Now Ngomalume is played and people begin to dance. Men and women, the young and the old, regardless of tribe or race. The Litunga will be sitting there enjoying the moment. Gradually the crowd fades away, and the Litunga eventually disappears. The celebrations are not over yet. For the next two weeks there will be dancing and a lot of activities going on around the Royal Capital.
The following day, usually on a sunday the Litunga hosts a Royal banquet and speaks to his people and thanks everyone for a successful Ku-omboka. In the mean time the city of Mongu is busy. People are busy buying and selling traditional art facts and related sulvanairs. Guest house business is booming in Mongu, accommodating tourists and all kinds of visitors, the best of whom include Mongu Country Loudge and Holly Wood. More restaurants are needed to provide much needed variety of food to carter for a diverse visiting population from everywhere.
Before the day of the ku-omboka there is a competition to see the fastest paddlers. Young men and women usually register to participate in this water canoe marathon. This was started by Litunga Godwin Mbikusita Lewanika. On the day of ku omboka itself people like to travel by boat to Lealui to see the Litunga off. Then they come back around to Mongu and drive to Limulunga to see the Litunga arrive. The president come to Lealui by chopper and travels with the Litunga on the boat until a certain point where the paddlers stop to rest a while. The chopper will come and pick the president back to Mongu where he travels by road to Limulunga to welcome the Litunga. From here they will walk together to the palace.